What are recurring services?
Recurring services, or subscriptions, are services offered by technicians that are billed on a customized interval. A technician's recurring services are displayed on their tech profile along with their other one-time or hourly services.
What happens after I purchase a recurring service?
After purchasing a recurring service, a subscription will be created between you and the technician. The first billing interval will be billed immediately after purchasing or, if there's a free trial, immediately after the free trial has ended. You can view your subscriptions from the Home page of the TecMe website.
Can I modify a subscription?
Once a subscription has been created, from your Home page you can:
- Change the payment method
- Cance the subscription
- View the associated tech's profile and send them a message
How are the services delivered for recurring services?
At this time, subscriptions simply ensure that billing is being done on the agreed-upon interval. There are no services automatically generated at each billing cycle. Therefore, it is up to the technician to ensure proper service is being delivered to the customers that have subscriptions with them.
Technicians can create services with their customers and change the billing amount before sending the invoice to the customer to zero if the service is already paid for by a subscription.
What if I'm not satisfied with the service?
If you've purchased a recurring service and are not satisfied with the quality of service or if the technician has not delivered what was promised, follow these steps to proceed:
- Message the technician with your complaint and attempt to remedy the situation with them
- Cancel the subscription (if the situation could not be remedied)
- Contact TecMe Support and file a dispute to get a support representative involved and issue a refund if suitable.
Questions? Contact us via support@tecme.io, or call us at +1 888-678-3263