The Begin Service button will appear 15 minutes before the scheduled date & time for your service.
To start the remote session, follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Navigate to the Service Details page of the booking for which you want to start the remote session. Tap the Begin Service button, allowing you to service the customer remotely.
Step 2 - After you've started the service, go to the website and select Join Remote Session; otherwise, an email will be sent to your account's email address with a link that you may use to join the session from any device.
Step 3 - On joining the remote session, you will be redirected to Zoho Assist Connect. To make sure your customer can join properly, send them the invite to the Remote session using Zoho Assist.
Step 4 - Once you both joined, you will be able to view your customer's screen and service the booking.
Mobile App
Step 1- Tap the Begin Service button to start the remote session allowing you to service the customer remotely.

Step 2 - Once the service has begun, you may join the remote session from the mobile app by tapping the Join Session button. Alternatively, an email is sent to your account's email address containing a link you can join the session from any device of your choice.
Step 3 - You will be required to install the Zoho Assist App if you attempt to join the session from a mobile device.

Your customer can also join the session either by tapping on the Join Session button from their mobile app or via an email link. To make sure your customer can join properly, send them the invite of the Remote session using Zoho Assist App.